Wednesday, July 1, 2015

An Imaginary Tea with Death- Part 1

Death, dear Death, before you act in haste, let us have an Iced Tea and chat.


Why do you plan on taking me at this time?

You might want to ask my boss, he said this was important.

God???? How do I reach him?

I don't know, he doesn't have many visitors

Well, I know you're here now, so perhaps I'll just probe the mind of the Grim Reaper.

Ok, but please don't call me the Grim Reaper, I was given that annoying nickname when I was a child.

Ok, how much time can you afford me?

Would it actually help if I told you that?

Well yeah. It'd kind of be like 'stoppage time' in a game of soccer, it helps the teams to mount that last offensive push or defensive hold.

I will take you after our tea is finished.

So.....that's it? ... No chance to say goodbye to my family and friends?

I empathize, but if I were to give you extra time, I would have to do that for everyone....what makes you special enough to be a rare exception?

Nothing.... absolutely nothing......

Tell me, if you were given a small chunk of hours, what would you do with them?

I'd buy my friends and family dinner, share jokes and tell them I love them, then I'd go skydiving, and finally, I would write one more time.

OK, odd grouping of choices, but to each his own. What would you write?

A love letter to her.


The woman I love.

You love her, yet all you are doing is putting words on a page, how would that help her???

I guess it wouldn't do much, but we are only talking about a few hours here.

Maybe you are more selfish than you realize?

I could ask her what is the best way I can help her?

Yeah that is a great idea.

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